Drama the milieu of actors technicians and playwrights. There are 545 theatre-related words in total with the top 5 most semantically related being cinema drama stage opera and music. Pin On Theatre Programmes The camp gossips full of interest as to the fate of those who were to be tried could see an aggravating pantomime acted out but hear no word. . In the dressing rooms wings etc catastrophe the denouement of a play esp a classical tragedy chorus in classical Greek. The part of the stage and theatre which is out of the sight of the audience. The person or persons responsible for devising and creating one technical aspect of the show be it the lighting sound costume make-up props or some other aspect. The word _____ is often used to describe the collaborative nature of theatre-making. Theatre People Terms. Theatrical affected melodramatic artificial exaggerated forced stagy stilted dramatic histrionic actorly mannered os...